Source code for connexion_sql_utils.sqlmixins

from typing import Dict, Any

from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID
from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr

import uuid

import contextlib
import json
import logging

from .base_mixin_abc import BaseMixinABC
from .decorators import event_func

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _quote_if_str(string):
    """Used in the repr method to quote a string attribute.

    if isinstance(string, str):
        return "'{}'".format(string)
    return string

[docs]class BaseMixin(object): """Base sqlalchemy mixin. Adds id column as a postgresql.UUID column, and will create the uuid before saving to the database. A user must define a ``session_maker`` on the mixin, to complete it as a classmethod or a staticmethod. All query methods, automatically create a session from the ``session_maker`` method that should be declared on a sub-class. Any method that creates, updates, or deletes automatically adds and commits the changes. """ dump_dict = False id = Column(UUID(), primary_key=True) @declared_attr def __tablename__(cls): return cls.__name__.lower() @staticmethod @event_func('before_insert')
[docs] def create_id(mapper, connection, target): """Automatically creates a ``UUID`` before inserting a new item. """ = str(uuid.uuid4())
@classmethod def __declare_last__(cls): # pragma: no cover event_funcs = (getattr(cls, f) for f in dir(cls) if getattr(getattr(cls, f), '_event_func', False) is True) for fn in event_funcs: for ename in fn._event_names: event.listen(cls, ename, fn) @classmethod
[docs] def query_by(cls, session=None, **kwargs): """Return a query statement for the class. :param session: An optional sqlalchemy session, if one is not passed a session will be created for the query. :param kwargs: kwargs passed into the query to filter results. This would be simalar to:: >>> session.query(MyDbModel).filter_by(id=1234) """ if session is not None: return session.query(cls).filter_by(**kwargs) with cls.session_scope() as session: return session.query(cls).filter_by(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_id(cls, id, session=None): """Get by id. :param id: The unique identifier for the class. :param session: An optional sqlalchemy session, if one is not passed a session will be created for the query. This is would be like:: >>> session.query(MyDbModel).filter_by(id=1234).first() """ try: return cls.query_by(id=id, session=session).first() except: return None
def _update(self, session, kwargs): for key in (k for k in vars(self.__class__) if not k.startswith('_')): if kwargs.get(key, None) is not None: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) session.add(self)
[docs] def update(self, session=None, **kwargs): """Update attributes on an instance. :param kwargs: The attributes to update on the instance. Any attribute not declared on the class is ignored. :param session: An optional sqlalchemy session, if one is not passed a session will be created for the query. """ if session is not None: return self._update(session, kwargs) with self.session_scope() as session: return self._update(session, kwargs)
[docs] def save(self, session=None): """Save an instance to the database. :param session: An optional sqlalchemy session, if one is not passed a session will be created for the query. """ if session is not None: return session.add(self) with self.session_scope() as session: return session.add(self)
[docs] def delete(self, session=None): """Delete an instance from the database. :param session: An optional sqlalchemy session, if one is not passed a session will be created for the query. """ if session is not None: return session.delete(self) with self.session_scope() as session: return session.delete(self)
def _asDict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return a ``dict`` representation of the instance. """ return {k: v for (k, v) in vars(self).items() if not k.startswith('_')}
[docs] def dump(self, _dict=None) -> str: """Return a json serialized string or a dict representation of the instance. Any methods that are wrapped with ``to_json`` decorator will be called on the values before returning the json string. :param _dict: If ``True`` return a dict instead of a json string, or the class attribute ``dump_dict`` is true on a sub-class. .. see-also:: :class:`decorators.to_json` """ dump_dict = _dict or self.dump_dict vals = self._asDict() to_json_funcs = (getattr(self, f) for f in dir(self) if hasattr(getattr(self, f), '_to_json')) for fn in to_json_funcs: for key in fn._keys: if key in vals: vals[key] = fn(vals[key]) dump_funcs = (getattr(self, f) for f in dir(self) if hasattr(getattr(self, f), '_dump_method')) for fn in dump_funcs: vals = fn(vals) return vals if dump_dict is True else json.dumps(vals)
@classmethod @contextlib.contextmanager
[docs] def session_scope(cls): """A context manager for a session. Which creates a session from the import :meth:`session_maker`` method that should be declared by sub-class. And is used in the database methods for a class/instance. The session will automatically try to commit any changes, rolling back on any errors, and finally closing the session. """ if not issubclass(cls, BaseMixinABC): raise TypeError('Must declare a session maker method.') session = cls.session_maker() try: yield session session.commit() except Exception as err: session.rollback() logger.debug('error commiting: {}'.format(err)) raise finally: session.close()
def __str__(self) -> str: return self.dump() def __repr__(self) -> str: rv = "{}(".format(self.__class__.__name__) for key in (k for k in vars(self).keys() if not k.startswith('_')): rv += "{}={}, ".format(key, _quote_if_str(getattr(self, key, None))) return rv[:-2] + ')'